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Thursday, February 19, 2004

Wedding bells

No, don't be silly, not my wedding bells! This weekend is Virginia and Ash's wedding, and I am so looking forward to it. The weather is expected to be a bit cooler, I've known the girl for about 8 years and it is so exciting to see her getting married! In honour of this occasion I'm taking tomorrow off work as a flexi to get into Adelaide earlier and do some last minute things before Saturday. Saturday will be pretty full-on, even though the wedding is only at 4pm because I'm getting my hair done and a pedicure in the morning. Anyone would think it was my big day, but hey, a girl needs some pampering.

I have very white skin, which sucks because when I go into the sun I burn, peel, and then go back to being white again, I can never seem to get a tan. So to look nice (or try to) I got some sample packs from my beauty therapist for some self-tan and tried to put it on this morning. Tried being the key word. The tops of my legs look great, shame I'm not wearing bathers to the wedding to show them off, but the rest turned out not-so-good. Well, it's not the worst effort I've ever made. When I was a bridesmaid at Michelle's wedding my legs turned out so streaky it wasn't funny. This time they're not streaky, but my knees and heels look too dark. So tomorrow I'm gonna scrub them, and then will probably end up with pure white knees and heels. Hehehe, it's gonna be great! Plus it don't smell so good. Meant to be nice and citrusy but the smell is making me sick. Nice. Well, end of that particular random rambling, let's move on.

This week has been officially called "filing week" for me as I've done little else. I had a data request yesterday but that was about the only thing I did differently. Am glad that I'm having the day off tomorrow for more reasons than one. I had my first sick day on Tuesday, not getting out of bed until around 4pm. Had a massive headache, and I blame the weeks of heat and not enough sleep. Felt much better after the day in bed though.

Hmm, not much else has been happening. Oh wait, yes there has. My sister's idiot boyfriend/fiancee has struck again. This time, he ditched her on Valentine's Day. One of Maria's friends Kaye was having a bbq for her birthday on that day, and Nick didn't go because "Kaye didn't go to his birthday party". The reason Kaye didn't go to his is because her dad was in hospital. And Mr. Petty Asshole therefore decided he wasn't going, and therefore wasn't seeing Maria on that day. She was so upset, and I can't say I blame her. I wish she had the strength to leave him for good. Sure, I've complained about her sometimes but I love my sister and she deserves a lot better.

Anyway, had better get going. I'm typing this from work and I wanted to do a few more things before I left for the week. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I plan to get plastered at the reception :D

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