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Friday, October 08, 2004

Friday frolics

I thought I had better do a quick update today because I will be out of the office all next week (although, technically, still working) so those of you who email me at work will get my Out of Office Autoreply, and let's face it, I very rarely find the time to update my blog from home. Although, next Friday is Rory's last day at work so I might get a chance to load up my office computer then and check emails, since he's having a bit of a farewell thing in the afternoon I'd like to be here for. I'm looking forward to getting out of the office actually, even if it is for just a week. I will still, ofcourse, be contactable at home in the evenings, and will check my home email every day as always.

Anyway, now that the housekeeping is done, onto our regular programming. This office cracks me up every day, I love the people I work with. Well, not all of them, every place has a bad egg or two, but the people that sit in the cubicles around mine just make me laugh so much! I'm hoping, that if these positions in Adelaide pop up, that I'll be surrounded by similar people, because I'm gonna miss these guys so much.

Ken is my immediate supervisor, used to be a policeman in NT, but makes us all laugh so incredibly much. We look at him and think he'd make a cool Dad, because he has really great morals but can also have a good laugh. Bron is my closest friend here, we have a lot in common in terms of books, music and movies, and I'm glad to have found a friend like her so far from home. Andy is hardly ever in the office, he is ALWAYS out in the field (lucky bastard) but we always give him crap because at work he pretends he's all that but his wife truly wears the pants in that relationship. Jo is a beautiful person who has had a tough life but seems finally happy, but she tells so many dirty jokes it makes me roll my eyes after a while. All incredible individuals that I'll miss when I leave this office.

Anyway, thought I'd give a little background into the people I work with. Ken wants to start a touch football social team at work. Great idea but we probably need someone to play against. I've never played touch football in my life so he started by giving me a 2-page rundown of rules. Then yesterday he gave me a 10-page more in-depth version. He's already printed out the 35-page version ready to give to me. Riiiight...

So, not much else has been happening really! I did realise something last night though after a conversation with Michelle, my oldest and dearest friend. I'm guilty of just taking her for granted. I guess, after being friends for 20 years, I found myself just assuming she would always be there and not putting effort into the friendship, and for that I am mega sorry. I'd hate for my stupidity to cost me this amazing friendship, and we're probably all guilty of taking others for granted sometimes, particularly when you've known them most of your life. Something profound to wrap this blog entry up anyways :)

PS Stupid election adverts, I'll be glad when this Saturday's vote is over!

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