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Monday, February 06, 2006

To the land of Edon

I have become completely addicted to playing Neverwinter Nights online, and the only person to blame is Hoogs. He was over one day, telling Ivan about how much fun it was to roleplay the game online, and thus hooked us in (especially me, the wannabe story teller, very good stuff for the imagination). Ivan went and bought it one day and the next day I did the same, and since then there have been a lot of late nights as a result. It is so addictive because each time you join a server it's a new experience and you can make as many different characters as you'd like.

So anyway, that's pretty much been life for the last few days. Aside from that the only thing that's been happening is that we have some relatives down from Hungary, staying with Mum and Dad for the last week. It's apparently a cousin of Mum's and his wife although Mum hasn't seen them in around 30 years or something. So on Saturday we all went to Gorge Wildlife Park. I can't remember if I've been there before, like back in Primary School or something, but I had a great time. We stayed there for a BBQ then headed home and Darren came over for a few hours. One thing though, I stupidly relied on to give us a quicker way to get there and it sent us on some crazy trip through the hills. One of the streets it sent us down was Corkscrew Road and for a person who hates driving through the hills it was a nightmare. We arrived with queesy stomachs indeed! Needless to say, we took the easier option home, even if it was a few kms longer...

1 comment:

  1. Ah the old corkscrew road, I know it well. Most fun in a WRX
    So if its NeverWinter nights, does that mean its always summer nights? I am assuming they have no daytime.


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