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Saturday, September 16, 2006


As some of you may have noticed, my friend Xy has been leaving lengthy comments of late. Comments that are so long in fact, that they actually have more content than a lot of my posts. I therefore have decided to make him a co-author of my blog. At this stage there are no plans to rename my blog (since it will no longer be just Mel posting) but I'm sure that Xy will post some amusing and entertaining articles and we can then perhaps discuss naming rights. So, if you happen to see Xy posting, don't think he has infiltrated my blog illegally and leave any nasty comments, will you?

And now, the other exciting news! Although this requires me to make a confession. Some time ago when watching an episode of CSI, the forensics guys were mixing together something in big beakers, like with a 2 litre capacity or something. I was so impressed with these I exclaimed "Wouldn't they be awesome to have as cookware?!" and by golly, I was dead serious. Now, the first step in my ultimate kitchen! I must have these!


  1. /me looks forward to having something to read from time to time, instead of sporadically


  2. Cool I enjoy pointing out people's grammatical shortcomings.



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