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Thursday, September 09, 2004

Is it humanly possible... actually forgive and forget? I'm 25 years old and I still haven't figured out how to properly do this. You always hear guys complaining about how, when arguing with their girlfriends, the girl will always bring up something the guy said or did ages ago, something he thought was long gone and forgotten. I'm guilty of doing this, although I am trying not to. I saw my Dad do it to my Mum a couple of weeks back when they had that argument - bringing something up that she had done years ago. At the time I told him that was just wrong - if you say you've forgiven someone for doing something then you don't bring it up again and again. But I'm guilty of doing just that, how hypocritical!

And the thing is, I have no idea how to stop this. I can take a fair bit and will forgive the person. Or at least, I want to. But then you get days like yesterday. I was bored here at work (a common theme) and had way too much time on my hands, so I decided to clean out my emails. I didn't realise that I had kept some from a bad time I went through a few months ago, and instead of just deleting them I read them. Why did I subject myself to the hurt I knew they'd bring?? I don't understand why I would do that, or what goes through my head sometimes. So then, ofcourse, I got upset and went home feeling really down and depressed. But for what? Everyone involved has worked hard to move past that, so why bring up all that pain again?

So, have I really forgiven these people, or is it just that I wanted to? I would like to think that I have forgiven them, but it's hard to know. Do I just need to separate the forgiveness from the forgetting? I would love to forget, I want that more than anything, but it just isn't going to happen, which I presume is normal. Maybe that's the key, not even putting forgive and forget into the same sentence, because it's just not humanly possible...

PS Don't worry, I'm fine, these are just random thoughts I needed to get out.

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