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Thursday, December 22, 2005


When I first started using Blogger a couple of years ago, it didn't contain any Comments software at all, so I set up my Blog using an external comments source. This had its ups and downs, the downs being that the service was often unreliable, sometimes down for a couple of days at a time (although admittedly, that hadn't happened recently). So, last night I finally made the decision to use Blogger's in-built comments system, thus wiping all of the comments I've had over the years. Kinda sad, like losing old letters or deleting old emails, and for a sentimental Cancerian such as myself, a tough decision to make.

Because I had had my Blog for a while and manipulated the template so much, I couldn't get the comments to work. I decided to start off completely anew with a brand new template. Again, back when I started using Blogger I think there were 6 templates to choose from, but now there are around 20. I narrowed it down to 3 and Alex helped me choose this one. Green isn't my favourite colour but
a) they had no purple templates, and
b) this template has a sort of "nature" feel to it which personalises it for me a bit.

So, the rest of the night was then spent adding things into the template and formatting it to make it my home again. I'm quite happy with the result, the boxes make the site look a bit more neat, but I'm sure I will come up with some thing I'd like to change here and there in time.

So anyway, the facelift was a small success.


  1. Here;s my amazing comment, the first for the new comments system...

    you ready.

    You mistyped ussing - it is using :)

    Bye :)

  2. I LIKE IT

    But you already knew that. Out with the old, in with the new for the new year I say.

    Aren't these comments cool... ;)

    Merry Christmas

  3. Dammit I hate leaving typos in there, oops. And I should have disabled anonymous comments too :D

  4. WHOA! I thought I came to the wrong blog at first!!

    And yeah, I commiserate witya, Mel. I kept the same template for 4 years already.

    Mostly out of sheer laziness rather than sentimentality or what not...but still, it is a feat, in some way.



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