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Wednesday, December 28, 2005


What the bloody hell am I doing at work today? Why the bloody hell didn't I book some leave like everyone else in the city? Even the place I normally go to for lunch is closed this week, so my routine is completely out of whack! Karen and I are the only losers sitting down this end of the building. I was the last loser to leave last Friday night. Silly, silly me.

I was hoping it would be quiet and I was right to a point. The phone has hardly been ringing today and our licensing applications are few and far between but lo and behold, I have been given a fair chunk of work today with regards to water meters. By golly, it sucks the wang. On the plus side, the day has gone fast.

On the down side, I have had chest pains all day. I wonder if I stretched some muscle I shouldn't have with the Pilates I've been doing in the mornings lately, or whether I'm having a long, slow, drawn out heart attack. No time for that, desperately need to go grocery shopping tonight after the closure of supermarkets for 4 days. Ah well, better to shop in some sort of desperation than to stock up on at least 6 litres of milk beforehand like Wendy :)


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't take leave either. I'm loving the peace and quiet in the office - I can finally listen to *my* music for once.

    Can't help ya with the chest pain, though. Maybe you need some Eukerub? :-D Haha

  2. How is it over in Grenfel St, by the way? :-P Quiet as it is over here?

  3. Yep, heaps quiet. Hardly anyone in the office, coffee shops around us closed and even the pedestrian crossing which is usually packed is unusually quiet.

    One good thing about working now is there is hardly anyone on the train, whereas normally it's a struggle for a seat.


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