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Friday, August 29, 2003

Could this be the end?

I feel like I'm in T3 with all this computer bizo going wacko. Yo. The site that hosts my comments has been down for 3 days and counting, and blogger seems to be stuffing up a wee bit too so not sure if this will work.

Work. Yes, work has been really crazy lately. And this weekend, well, this entire next week, is going to be crazy aswell. My cousin and his wife from QLD (the pair in the snake photo) are visiting for a week or so and we're catching up with them a little, as well as other things, all at once.

Well, nothing interesting to say, don't even know if this will update properly. Use the force, Mel....

Monday, August 25, 2003

Funny news stories

The other day I read a short article in the newspaper which, while tragic, made me laugh, so thought I'd share the gist of it here.

Basically, it was about this teenager who was fishing with his parents, I forget where, and was holding this fish he caught. It slithered out of his hands, jumped into his mouth and lodged into his throat. Unfortunately, the kid died from suffocation, because the fish had these spines which meant it couldn't be dislodged. I know, this is tragic, and I am awful for finding it funny, but it some way it just seemed so incredible that it's funny.

Ok, so I'm twisted. Now you know, don't act surprised if I say something crazy to you next time.

So, moving right along. This hasn't been updated so much lately because I haven't been feeling the best and spend a lot of time asleep it seems. And then, when I am online, it is rather limited and this isn't my top priority anymore like it was when it was new and exciting. Forgive me, oh great internet gods. I prmoise to be more faithful in the future.

Ok, time for sleep again.

Saturday, August 16, 2003


No, this entry is not about the TV sitcom.

Lately I've been feeling that I have what some people term "toxic" friends. I don't like to use the word "toxic", it makes it sound as though these people live in Chernobyl and have three eyes. I know it's supposed to refer to the way the people poison your soul and crap like that, but the people I'm thinking of don't do that. Perhaps a better term would be "part-time" friends. I mean, people that, at first, are like your best friend, then slowly they drift away, and then you find they only contact you if something's bothering them, they need advice, etc etc. You know, people that use your good nature basically. You're great if they have a problem, need a different perspective on things, stuff like that, but in general day to day hellos and how are yous, they can't be bothered.

I think everyone knows people like this. I just hope that I'm not unknowingly like that with some people.

I don't know what made me think of this, I guess I'm just in one of those reflective moods after going out for lunch with the girls. After 24 years, I really don't have many "real" friends. Maybe a person doesn't need a whole heap, just a few wonderful friends. Meh.

So, anyway, how funny was that episode when Joey put on all of Chandlers clothes and did lunges?

Friday, August 08, 2003

God hates me

Why is it that life just can't seem to run smoothly? You know, just when you're in a happy routine and all seems well, something's gotta happen in your life to stuff you around.

Yesterday Ivan borrowed my car for a very short trip to the post office because it was at the back of the driveway, and it doesn't matter how careful you personally are on the roads, there are always other idiots about. He's coming home and some idiot pulls out of a carpark straight into the side of the car. Luckily Ivan is fine. The damage to my car isn't as bad as it could be, I'm lucky I can still drive the car around and there is no engine damage. But I'm just upset and worried. This other guy seems a bit dodgy and I'm afraid he'll do a runner. I mean, my insurance company should, in theory, be the ones to track him down, but a similar situation that happened to Ivan a few years ago resulted in the other person successfully getting away. And, while it's not so bad, I'm upset because this is the first car I bought on my own. It was brand new just two years ago when I bought it, and I haven't even finished paying it off yet. I'll just feel so much better when it's fixed and paid for. Fucking life.

On Tuesday Ivan and I had our 4 year anniversary, but, get this, we both forgot. Yep, both of us. In fact, I wasn't even home for most of that day. Maybe I've joined too many committees when I don't even see my boyfriend on our anniversary.

Apart from the crap yesterday, the week was looking not too bad. But I just can't seem to stop worrying about it, even though I know I shouldn't because it won't help in any way. But it's my nature to worry. Tomorrow: tax accountant. Let's hope the government have found an error in all my previous tax assessments and realised they actually owe me $50 000 or something. Why did I pick that amount? Well, asking for any more would be too much of a dream, so maybe, hoping for less, it will actually come true. Hmm, think not.

Drive safe, people, and give way when you're supposed to! Word.

Friday, August 01, 2003

Ricky Fucking Martin

Oh God, Ricky Martin is in the country. God help us all.

Must he be on every television show I watch this week? And I don't watch that much tv, he just pops up everywhere it seems. And he's sooooo boring in an interview! As if we need to hear about how creative he apparently is and how he dares to be rediculous. Ugh.

Anyway, enough about that loser. I'm glad the weekend is here, feeling sick and going to work are not a good combination. Mind you, won't get too much rest this weekend, what with birthdays and dinners. And Pokemon on the Gameboy emulator. So very addictive for a girl that loves her Pokemon. Gotta catch them all....