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Friday, April 29, 2005


I've had a crappy crap crap crap morning. I have learned my lesson though - when the test system won't let you practice something, DO NOT go ahead and try it in the actual database. I have majorly made the data FUBAR!

I am counting down to lunch, as I'm meeting Dad and then from 1 to 3:30pm I have a training course. I just want to get away from this desk after the mess I made this morning.

Bring on the weekend, I say! I'm looking forward to a very relaxed weekend. All I'll be doing is a little bit of shopping, and seeing my family, as it's my Grandma's birthday. The rest of the time I plan to sleep lots, watch a movie or two, read, relax in front of the computer, and I suppose I should do some laundry.

Sweet, only five minutes before I have to meet Dad!

Anyway, better go. Did I mention this day was crap?

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Birthday Boy!

Just wanted to do a quick update to wish Ivan a happy 32nd birthday!!! I know he has a busy day today so it doesn't seem like too much of a birthday but I'm thinking of him and sending him lots of birthday hugs and kisses!! MWAH!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Lest we forget

I should have done the right thing and done a separate entry altogether for ANZAC Day yesterday but, alas, I didn't get a chance to. The weekend was quite busy and then yesterday I did nothing at all but Ivan was heaps busy so I didn't really get to use my computer.

So, where to begin?

On Friday night Alex and Darren came over and we had yummy Chinese food, watched a bit of the football and generally just chatted and joked around. It was a really good night!

On Saturday we went to Maria and Steve's for a BBQ so I caught up with the family a bit. We didn't stay too long because again, Ivan was heaps busy, so we pretty much ate, had a quick chat and then headed home. I then went to visit Michelle and stayed there for a couple of hours just catching up. It was so good to see her, I can't believe I hadn't seen her since baby number 3 was born.

On Sunday Darren held a LAN at his place so we were there from around 1:30pm to around 2:30am. A bit of a long night but it was a lot of fun (as LANs usually are). We played Medal of Honour: Pacific Assault, Tiger Woods Golf, SWAT 4, Brothers in Arms, and some Need for Speed Underground. I can't remember if there was anything else. We got a chance to watch a bit of the Grand Prix too, so a good night all in all.

As I said, Monday was lazy for me, although Ivan had a busy one. It was great to have a long weekend though, but it makes coming back to work a bit more difficult (and annoying).

My new glasses arrived today. I *heart* them!


Weight lost this week: 0.4Kgs
Total weight lost: 5.0Kgs

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Points to mention

I figured I would update my blog while I sit here at my desk, eating my salad. I've really come to realise that I watch way too many TV shows, and hence why I barely log on during the week. Once the TV shows are finished, it's pretty much time for bed, so I don't seem to have the spare time I used to.

I'd like to think though, that although I might not have time to see my friends, that I make an attempt to at least keep in touch with them. Sure, it might only be a quick phone call or email, but I reckon that's better than nothing.

The reason I bring this up is because I've been annoyed at Tash for being a slack friend for months now, but only finally mentioned it to her the other day. I'm just tired of always having to be the one to send her an email or call her or SMS her, even when she has said SO many times that she wants to catch up and she'll "text me closer to the day" and then it doesn't happen unless I hound her to get back to me or I just give up on her altogether. Sure, we were good friends once, but you can't keep considering someone to be a good friend when they seem to have time for other people and not you (eg. she has time to fly to the frikkin' NT for a holiday for a friend but no time for a hello), and when you only see or hear from them once every few months. That's not a good friend, that's an acquantance. When I told her she was very apologetic but I doubt anything will actually change. The reason I say that is because even mixed with her apologies were excuses. For example, "I'm really sorry, but I only have three nights a week free..." blah blah blah. Heard it all before, if you happen to have a breakfast appointment free, Tash, look me up, yadda yadda.

Anyway now that I've vented about that here is something random. One of the stakeholders called for information yesterday and said, I quote, "If you look half as good as you sound I'll have to clone you for my son". Truly my customer service skills are exceptional :D


Weight lost this week: 0.7 Kgs
Total weight lost: 4.5 Kgs

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Time to kill

I figured I could do a quick update while I waited for my laundry to finish, so prepare to be bored!

This weekend has been nice and generally quiet. On Friday night we caught up on lots of TV show watching and I had a generally early night. I don't know why but my job exhausts me and by the end of the week I'm stuffed. I don't do anything physically demanding, I think it's just the early starts, but there you have it.

Yesterday I went and had a facial and then Ivan and I were supposed to go to his Uncle's surprise 60th birthday. However, because they're not a close part of the family and neither of us really felt like going, Ivan cancelled it, although I do feel kinda bad about not showing up. Instead, we went and had a nice coffee and got ourselves some dinner and had a quiet night in. I watched The Ring 2 and it scared the crap outta me, so I ended up staying up until 2am in an effort to get it out of my head. Today all I'll be doing is paying Mum a visit at work in a couple of hours. Aside from that I really need to do some housework. I'd like to get the last of my things packed away although I don't really feel like doing that today. Instead, I might clean the bathroom or something else exciting.

Aside from that, what is up with the footy tipping this year?!?

Friday, April 15, 2005

Scary stuff

Most people have a fear of dentists. I don't. Instead, I have the same fear of Optometrists. I can't explain what it is, all I know is that I hate going to see them. Perhaps it's because I've had to see them since I was a little kid, the fact that they attach all sorts of contraptions to your head, and repeatedly ask "Is it better with Number 1, or Number 2?".

Regardless of this irrational fear, my eyes have been bugging me lately, so I decided to bite the bullet to get my prescription revised. I am in desperate need of new contact lenses and was told that 1997 was the last time my eyes were tested. Crikey. On top of that, my glasses were something that needed to be in a museum. I think I must have last gotten a pair of glasses around 1990, because once I started high school I desperately wanted to switch to contacts and so only wore my glasses at home and nevermore in public.

So, the old glasses were huge and ugly, although Mum assures me I selected those ghastly frames myself. I've now decided to get with the times and have ordered new contact lenses as well as a new pair of glasses, and can't wait to get them. They're groovy Versace frames about half the size of my old glasses. I'd like to throw out the old ones, but perhaps donating them to the Adelaide Museum would be more worthwhile. After all, they are an artefact...

Anyway, I'll get the new ones in about 2 weeks, yay! I'll be glad to not have to squint at my computer monitor anymore or lean in to read things, or lean closer to the tv to read subtitles.

Aside from that the week has been work and little else. I got my car serviced. Exciting stuff. Today at work is quite dull and braindead, with a few of us doing a major mailout, which is a good Friday job I think. So I'm writing this before we start to try and kill time.

Hmm, perhaps my boredom should not be a reason to write here, as it only makes my readers suffer. Methinks I'll be off now then...

Monday, April 11, 2005

Almost hometime!

It's winding down towards the end of the workday so I thought I'd do a quick update before I go and catch the train home.

I'm really excited because my boss asked if I wanted to be on a new project today. It'll be a challenge because I'll be working on the project in the mornings and doing my own work in the afternoon, but hopefully it will go well and it might impress them. I like impressing the bosses. She anticipates it'll take two weeks but we'll play it by ear. I'll be working with 4-5 other people and am looking forward to the experience. I think tomorrow morning we have our first meeting!

Aside from that it has been a regular day here and so I don't have anything cool to write about, but killing time isn't so bad. I think I'll catch the early train home and go and do some grocery shopping...


Weight lost this week: 0.7Kgs
Total weight lost: 3.8Kgs

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Pyjama Day

I was off work Friday with a sore throat and so my plans for the weekend got a little shot. Yesterday I went to the doctor and I have some throat infection. Joy. After that I went to see Mum and Dad for a while and spent most of the time there lying on their couch and watching my footy tips go down the drain. Ivan and I were supposed to go to a pub for Krista's birthday last night but in the end I sent him to go on his own. I did feel bad about it, but I was in no mood to sit in a smoky pub yelling over the noise. So I stayed home and had a loooong shower and did my nails and watched the royal wedding. This morning I was supposed to go and see Michelle but, being unwell, I didn't want to make her kids sick, so stayed home. I'm yet to get out of my pyjamas, but think I'll be fine for work tomorrow.

So, I realised the other day that I wrote nothing in my blog about the Pope's death. Truth is, I'm not Catholic so, although it's a massive thing, it really didn't effect me very much. Truth is, I was far more interested in Charles and Camilla's wedding. Ok, so my watching it is partially to perve on Princes William and Harry, but another side of me likes to imagine I'm in high society and mingle with the Royals regularly.

I did notice one thing though. If I'm to ever make it to high society I shall need to invest in some very fancy hats.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Last Night

I prayed last night for the first time in... well, ages. I don't know what else to do, how else to help. My parents are going through a really tough time at the moment and I want to take their pain away.

Dad has been unemployed since just before Christmas now, and for a man who has worked every day of his life it's understandable why it makes him so depressed. When things finally start looking up for him, he seems to get shot down again. On Monday he started working for a bakery doing morning deliveries and he enjoyed it, as he was finished every day by noon and delivering in an area he was familiar with. But on Sunday his sore back returned, but despite that, he went to work, as it was a week trial and he wanted to make a good impression. Yesterday the boss noticed him walking a little funny and, it seems, my Dad is too honest for his own good. The guy said they would not be able to hire him as they need someone reliable without ongoing back problems.

So Dad is devastated and feeling extremely worthless. It seems this is just not his year and he can't seem to get a break. I'm not sure if he can remain positive anymore. I know he'll keep looking for stuff, because that's the type of person he is, but I hate to know he is so down with himself.

My mum is the strongest woman I know but all this pressure is understandably stressing her out, and I think she might be at the end of her rope. Neither of them can sleep from worry, they are constantly crying and down, and it breaks my heart that this is happening to them. I've offered to help them financially but they would never accept that. Although Dad finally got his pay-out from his old employer yesterday so that should ease the burden for a little while. But how do you ease the emotional burden?

Please God, help them both...

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


I know I've said this before, but I really should update this more. For a while, I was updating daily, but then I couldn't update from work anymore so that didn't help. Now I've decided not being able to update from work is bollocks, so I'm doing it anyway. It's not my fault really. I've been up to my supervisor twice already and she's still not found anything for me to do, so sifn't use the internet.

So, I tried my hand at golf on Sunday for the first time. Ivan, Alex and I went to a par 3 course at Cudlee Creek (about an hour away). It was such a nice drive up through the hills and the course was quite pretty too, but we got a little unlucky with the weather. Saturday was in the mid-30s and then when we went to golf on Sunday it was quite cold with bouts of gusty cold winds and light rain. We all had a good time but by golly, I need a hell of a lot more practice. We'll stick to par 3 courses for a while methinks! It was a lot of fun though :)

That has been about the only exciting thing that has happened in the past week really. The only other thing I've done is go to a BBQ up at Belair on Saturday which was nice but yeah, it was a bit too hot.

Is it really only Wednesday? How depressing...


Weight lost this week: 0.7Kgs
Total weight lost: 3.1Kgs