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Friday, May 16, 2008

Pew pew!

The last week has been great, due largely in part to the awesome weekend I had last weekend.

On Friday night Xy and I went with my work social club to Marksman's Indoor Range for some pistol shooting and it was incredible! We had a package where we got to fire 24 rounds with a .357 revolver and 30 rounds with a Glock 9mm. What can I saw but "WOW!". What an incredible experience! I have to admit my nerves were high even though it was something I've always wanted to do, so I waited for a little while before I gave it a "shot" (ha ha). Eventually the nervousness passed so I started with the .357 and it was incredible. Even with our ear protection on the noise was intense and my heart immediately started racing and didn't stop for the whole 24 rounds. When other people in the range fired I couldn't help but jump a little, the adrenalin was running rampant. Anyway, my first shot went right through the bullseye! I managed to do pretty well with the .357, not great but not too shabby. I then moved onto the 9mm which I didn't enjoy quite as much and which I did far worse at, firing too low for some reason. Maybe because by this point my heart wouldn't slow down, not sure. Anyway, Friday night was awesome! The rest of my week pales in comparison.

On Saturday my auntie took us all out for lunch to the Para Hills Community Centre which was pretty decent actually, so it was a day with the family because Maria and Steve weren't gonna be around on Mother's Day. The place was pretty good, there was an area for kids to play to Susanna got to have a bit of fun with some other little kids. Yes I know I'm biased, but she's so beautiful. If anyone ever hurt her I don't know what I'd do, I want the best for that little girl. I wonder if all Aunt's feel this way.

Anyway Sunday was Mother's Day but I had a major assignment to do which was due on Tuesday so I spent most of the day working on that. We did go to Mum and Dad's for a couple of hours but didn't stay too long as I really wanted to get it done (which I did).

Since then the rest of the week has ofcourse been "blegh" due to work, and we haven't been up to too much otherwise. I've just been gaming a bit and Xy and I have been watching episodes of Dexter which we finished last night and oh my goodness, it is such a good show! Very well written even if I did seem to guess the plot on occasion. Looking forward to the next season!

Work still sucks but admittedly I haven't found much worth applying for, but I'm still looking. I'm still not being paid my higher duties which has pissed me off no end, but what can I do? It's hard to find something else I'm qualified for with decent pay... Better get back to it *sighs*.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Last week

Wow, one post a week! I wonder how long the updating of this Blog will last! It's been a bit of a busy week, so figured I may as well blog it :)

Last Friday night Xy and I went out to Sagamartha's for dinner as we try to have a "date night" once a week. I never thought I'd enjoy going to such a place as I'm not really a fan of curry but the food was fabulous. I had the Poleko Kukhura and it was so delicious, I think I may have changed my mind about eatting curries and would be willing to go there again to try something new.

On Saturday morning I eventually arrived at Michelle's house for a coffee and a catchup after arriving late due to my curse at catching a freight train on a freaking Saturday morning. I thought the curse was broken but alas, it lives on. Anyway, it was great to see her again as we haven't seen each other since last year. After that, the rest of Saturday was a pretty quiet one.

On Sunday it was my Grandma's birthday so we went to her place for lunch. My Aunt from Queensland is also in Adelaide for a couple of weeks and she's staying with Gran so I got to catch up with her too which was nice.

The rest of the week has just been work as usual. I have a big assignment due next Tuesday so I'll be working on that this weekend in amongst Mother's Day. My car's been giving me some hassles too lately, somehow need to find some money to get it serviced I think. A couple of nights ago I had to get the RAA out to replace the battery (hadn't been replaced for 7 years so pretty happy with that) but this morning it wouldn't start, then it started, then it wouldn't start again, then it started again. I hope I'm able to get home okay tonight...

Xy has been busy with interviews this week, he has one this morning at Telstra which hopefully goes well.

Anywho, better get back to work now :)

Friday, May 02, 2008

Friday a.k.a. my lazy day

I am trying to do as little work as possible today so figured I might as well write some crap on my Blog to kill some time.

The reasons are:
1) Very little and restless sleep last night means I have no energy to be here let alone think.
2) It's Friday (nuff said).
3) My boss is giving me the shits.
4) I'm sick of working here.
5) I basically just can't be bothered.

I really am tired of this place, and I've started looking for a new job and have applied for 1 thing so far, but finding something I'm qualified to do that earns me at least $55k a year isn't easy. I wish I'd done something different with my education sometimes. Oh well, in the meantime I have to learn to do what Dad always tells me I should do - come to work, do my job, go home and get work out of my head. Sometimes work is all I can think about when I lay down to sleep or it's the first thing that pops into my head when I wake up. It's crazy. Actually I no doubt would go crazy if Xy wasn't there for me to whinge to about it all.

I applied for a Senior Project Officer role for 3 months and got the job, but it's not at all like I thought it was going to be and I'm a bit disappointed which sounds ungrateful considering the extra pay (not that I've started receiving the extra pay yet). On top of that all of the Coordinators (that's my regular role) are also working on projects and are also getting the same pay rate as I am so I'm not sure why I took the time to write an application for something I was apparently going to be doing anyway. Anyway enough about that.

So, what else can I write to kill some time...

I seem to be finding lots of people I went to school with on Facebook lately, and each of them I swear looks just like they did in High School, it's quite funny. I can't believe how many of them are married and/or have children though, I wonder if I'll be the last remaining unmarried person from my old high school friends? Really cool to read what everyone's been up to though.

To go with the nostalgic feel I've been cleaning out old things at Mum and Dad's place for the last few weeks and found heaps of old letters, cards, diaries and yearbooks. Some of it was funny and pathetic (I had crushes on boys I never even spoke to) and some of it was quite sad (a certain boy making my high school years hell by being an arsehole), I just can't believe all the crap I kept unnecessarily. No wonder Mum and Dad's place needs a cleanup!

Well I'd better go and try to find something else to occupy my time on this day that seems to be dragging on. Only 3 hours to go until I get out of here and to the gym though, yay!