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Thursday, February 26, 2004

And this time, I mean it!

I really truly am sick of my weight. For months now I've been trying and have stayed static at this appalling state, and so now it's time I go crazy with exercise. I'm writing this here so people can remind me if I start to slack off how bad I'll feel when I don't lose weight. It's always in the back of my mind and my self-confidence is low because of it, so now it's time for some real action.

Now that the hot weather has subsided I've started walking to work again, and for the last couple of mornings I've been getting up early to do aerobics, and I plan to do that 5 days a week. I'm already eating a bit better now that I've moved. This has to change, am tired of feeling like a blimp.

So, if I start to slack off, please remind me that I'm doing this for my own happiness (in the nicest possible way, no yelling :P )


Tuesday, February 24, 2004


Well, I've finished the mountain of filing I had to do and now have nothing to do until people come back from a meeting after lunch! So thought I'd bore you all with an update.

I had Friday off work, got into Adelaide at around 1:30pm, did a bit of running around and then relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. Incidentally, after my shower Friday morning the fake tan wasn't visible anywhere except on the palms of my hands. Oh goodie. On Saturday morning I got up early and went for a pedicure, then the hairdresser came over. You know priorities are wrong when you spend your money on beauty products instead of on food.

The wedding wasn't until 4pm, and unfortunately it was raining. I didn't mind, I prefer wet weather to the scorching heat we had the week before, but it sorta stuffed up the couple's plans for photos and walking across the lawn to get to the church wasn't much fun. The ceremony was short but sweet, and Virginia looked gorgeous. The reception was at 7pm, so we went home in between. We were on a table with Peter, Paul and Casey which was good, but the rest of the table were funny at times, very strange at others. Basically, it was the drama table. First this girl broke her chair within being there 15 minutes, although I don't think that was her fault, she was just unlucky. Then the same girl started arguing with her ex who was at the same table, stormed out a couple of times, spilled many drinks and so on and so forth. And her ex was rather strange as well, taking some extremely unusual photos during the course of the night. Was an interesting bunch, let's just say that.

The reception finished quite early, I think it was around 11:30pm so I got a relatively early night, and then Sunday I spent the day hungover and tired anyway. I left Adelaide around 5pm and got home, unpacked, went grocery shopping then went to bed after logging on. That's about it in a nutshell.

Hope you all had a good weekend. This weekend will be the first one I have nothing planned, might go to the movies or dinner or something with the man.


Thursday, February 19, 2004

Wedding bells

No, don't be silly, not my wedding bells! This weekend is Virginia and Ash's wedding, and I am so looking forward to it. The weather is expected to be a bit cooler, I've known the girl for about 8 years and it is so exciting to see her getting married! In honour of this occasion I'm taking tomorrow off work as a flexi to get into Adelaide earlier and do some last minute things before Saturday. Saturday will be pretty full-on, even though the wedding is only at 4pm because I'm getting my hair done and a pedicure in the morning. Anyone would think it was my big day, but hey, a girl needs some pampering.

I have very white skin, which sucks because when I go into the sun I burn, peel, and then go back to being white again, I can never seem to get a tan. So to look nice (or try to) I got some sample packs from my beauty therapist for some self-tan and tried to put it on this morning. Tried being the key word. The tops of my legs look great, shame I'm not wearing bathers to the wedding to show them off, but the rest turned out not-so-good. Well, it's not the worst effort I've ever made. When I was a bridesmaid at Michelle's wedding my legs turned out so streaky it wasn't funny. This time they're not streaky, but my knees and heels look too dark. So tomorrow I'm gonna scrub them, and then will probably end up with pure white knees and heels. Hehehe, it's gonna be great! Plus it don't smell so good. Meant to be nice and citrusy but the smell is making me sick. Nice. Well, end of that particular random rambling, let's move on.

This week has been officially called "filing week" for me as I've done little else. I had a data request yesterday but that was about the only thing I did differently. Am glad that I'm having the day off tomorrow for more reasons than one. I had my first sick day on Tuesday, not getting out of bed until around 4pm. Had a massive headache, and I blame the weeks of heat and not enough sleep. Felt much better after the day in bed though.

Hmm, not much else has been happening. Oh wait, yes there has. My sister's idiot boyfriend/fiancee has struck again. This time, he ditched her on Valentine's Day. One of Maria's friends Kaye was having a bbq for her birthday on that day, and Nick didn't go because "Kaye didn't go to his birthday party". The reason Kaye didn't go to his is because her dad was in hospital. And Mr. Petty Asshole therefore decided he wasn't going, and therefore wasn't seeing Maria on that day. She was so upset, and I can't say I blame her. I wish she had the strength to leave him for good. Sure, I've complained about her sometimes but I love my sister and she deserves a lot better.

Anyway, had better get going. I'm typing this from work and I wanted to do a few more things before I left for the week. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I plan to get plastered at the reception :D

Monday, February 16, 2004

Hot in the City

Oh man, I need to move to Hobart or something to escape this heat. It has been constant for a couple of weeks now and I can't stand the heat, I've just always been that way. Give me rain any day. And why did I move to Berri of all places, where it's always a few degrees warmer than in Adelaide? Ah that's right, desperation for a job will get you applying anywhere :P

So, it was Valentine's Day on the weekend. Ivan and I have never really been into Valentine's Day, it's one of those silly events I think - if you want to give someone a gift or something, you should do that on any day, not only on this one day the world tells you to. So we'd pre-arranged not to get each other anything and just to play it by ear on the day to see what we wanted to do. And just aswell, because that was the hottest day over the weekend and I certainly didn't feel like doing a thing. I had a waxing and facial appointment in the morning and then when I got home we just veged out and did nothing. Played a little bit of Desert Combat, caught up on a lot of dvd watching and tried to keep cool. Even though we did nothing the weekend was really exhausting because we couldn't even get a decent night's sleep, the house was just so hot. Ugh!

Sunday we popped into Nicole and Peter's for a brief visit because Nicole had her baby 4 months ago and I still hadn't been to see her. We only stayed for about half an hour though, then I pretty much headed back to Berri. I was supposed to go to the drive-ins with this girl Bronwyn from work but when I got home and it was still 41C we both decided to can that idea and stay home. I tried sleeping in the lounge on my new sofa bed with the air conditioner on but I kept having scary dreams and getting cold and then hot, so didn't really get a good night's sleep.

Back at work today, getting through this huge amount of filing I've had to do. And I mean huge, no exaggeration, I'm talking thousands of sheets of paper to file. Oh yeah, it's been a blast. It's wierd though, even when I'm doing something like filing I still love my job.

So, on to a random rambling. Do you get those songs that as soon as you hear them they remind you of something in your life? And it doesn't have to be hugely significant, it could just be a few laughs with friends but every time you hear the song you either laugh or cry because of the memories it brings. Well, on the drive home I put in this mixed CD Ivan made me for my 21st birthday a few years ago. It just had all these songs I'd picked out, some were older songs, some were new at the time. Anyway, remember that song 500 Miles by the Proclaimers? Well, I had that on there, and it just made me smile from ear to ear when I heard it. It always reminds me of when Elita, Kelly and I went to Miriam's 21st, and she had this Karaoke machine, and no one was getting up to sing so the three of us went and sang that song. And we sounded atrocious, and Ivan, Cerina and Claire looked on in horror but damn, we had a lot of fun. And even though it wasn't the first time I'd sung Karaoke, it's the only one that I really remember, and it makes my heart smile. Amazing what music can do.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Weekly news

The week since I last updated has really flown!

Work is still great - fun lunches with friends, enjoyable work, I really can't complain. Friday night I went to Adelaide and had a nice quiet night with Ivan watching the cricket and catching up on tv shows I'd missed. On Saturday there was a little running around to do and Michelle popped by with her Dad which was nice, then Saturday night I was off to Virginia's hen's night (bachelorette party to those that don't know the slang). We went to dinner first, then went to a cocktail bar, and then went to a nightclub, and it was a pretty good night. I was a bit nervous beforehand because I only knew a couple of the people there but I ended up having a great night.

Went to bed at about 3am, it's been a while since I've been up so late so I think all these days later I'm still recovering. Sunday was relaxed again and then I got home Sunday night to find a few more spiders had emerged :P

I'm finally able to connect to the internet at home but can't get into Cogs, as my connection is hanging around only 30 Kb/s and so I'm limited to chatting in trillian, so if anyone reads this and wants to chat, you need to log on msn or icq :P

Dad came to visit me yesterday, he was going to stay overnight but that didn't end up happening because he had to go back to work today and he would have been too tired, but it was nice to see him anyway.

Had better get back to work. Byeeee!

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Down time

Right now I haven't got much to do at work and so I thought I'd take the opportunity to update a bit.

The weekend was really good, so much so that on Sunday I was thinking I didn't want to come back. I do love my work and love the people I work with, but being home was really great and I wanted to stay there. I mean, we didn't even have to do anything special, it was just nice to have Ivan there even if we were just chatting.

It was also fun to get into some gaming again, not that we could do that online with only a modem but our competative natures were exercised by playing some Monopoly Tycoon - a game that usually results in an argument, but we got through it with me only swearing once. The problem is we're both quite stubborn when it comes to this game and hold onto our properties for dear life. If you've never played it then beware, it's dangerous (but good fun).

Saturday night we had Nick's birthday which wasn't too bad. The food was good even if he is a buffoon (hope he never sees this!). The family was all a bit miffed that he wasn't sitting with Maria the whole night, although she didn't seem to mind because she had a bunch of her friends there too so she just spent her night catching up with them.

On Sunday I just cleaned up a bit and had a total veg-out day in front of the tv, probably is another reason why it made it difficult to gear up for the drive home. I got home just as it was getting dark, unpacked and then relaxed some more.

Soon as I came back to work on Monday I was happy again after being sad about leaving Adelaide. Each day I get closer with people and am enjoying doing some real work. Yesterday we all went out for lunch at the golf club and on the drive home the carload of people I went with decided we all go on a bit of a tour of Berri. We ended up having an hour and a half for lunch, hehe!

Had better get back to it. But before I do, I just wanted to wish Emmy a Happy 21st Birthday for tomorrow, because I don't know if I'll get a chance to update this again before then. I don't think she comes here anymore but if Sammo or someone can point her in this direction that'd be great. I know it's not much, but happy birthday girly :)