Several people have been hounding me to update this blog and truly I've been meaning to but just have not had the time. Not entirely true, it's not as if every minute of every day is taken up with something, but work has been insane with the end of financial year and raising of charges for the new financial year, and then when I go home all I want to do is play Neverwinter Nights or veg out on the couch, and so my poor little site (which, to be honest, I'm surprised is still being visited) gets neglected.
Aside from working lots of extra hours and doing little else, there have been a couple more birthdays since I last updated. First up, there was mine on June 22, for which I took a long weekend off from work and relaxed and got spoiled as should be the case on one's birthday.
Next in line was Maria's on July 15, but we celebrated hers a week early since her and Steve had a wedding to go to on the day (coincidentally, my cousin in Yugoslavia got married on that day too). We caught up for lunch and that was about it, just a bit of a family thing, but it was nice.
So yeah, around the birthdays there has truly been little going on besides work and relaxing at home. I'm feeling my age I think, having absolutely no energy to do anything following the extra hours I've been doing, but such is life.
Apologies for the lack of updates once again, but as you can see, there has been little to write about.