My bad luck with buses lately is concerning. It seems whenever I'm in a rush they are so late that I may as well have caught the later bus and not rushed so much. Then when the bus is only 1 stop from Uni the bus driver will decide to get out and go to the toilet when already running somewhat late. Apparently my train curse has now shifted to buses being that I don't drive near any train crossings anymore.
Random thought 2: There is a mature age student in one of my classes who is very strange. Example - she will ask someone where the toilet is, the person gets up to show her and point her in the right direction and while the person is explaining she will turn around and sit back down. What was the point of asking? I don't mind eccentric people but the behaviour has to make some kind of sense.
Random thought 3: Threatening public servants with going to Today Tonight or that we'll be hearing from lawyers and "a bunch of people we don't want to hear from" won't actually change any outcome you're unhappy with, but it certainly does amuse us in the office.