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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

No more late nights

After letting my weight balloon out and my self esteem deflate, after constantly feeling like somebody twice my age, I decided late last week to join a gym near work, and for 3 mornings now I have been getting up at 5:30am so that I can get to the gym before work and leave enough time to get ready in the morning and still make it to work on time.

So far I am really enjoying it, and I hope the motivation stays with me. I've been leaving the workout feeling really refreshed and haven't been getting tired until bedtime. It's a strange feeling though to leave the house while it's still dark and to see the city in the morning before other people have woken up. It's very surreal. The staff are very friendly which can also seem a little too much first thing in the morning. I'm not a morning person so when someone is overly bubbly or chatty I don't really respond well, hehe. The early mornings also mean that I can no longer stay up until midnight playing Lord Of The Rings Online so naturally, I am having withdrawls.

I am also, ofcourse, trying to watch what I eat. So then it's typical that today I have a major craving for some Fruchocs. Bah.

Anyway aside from that we had my sister's birthday on the weekend so went to their place for lunch on Sunday where I proceeded to hold Susanna for as many hours as possible. I swear she's grown in the week since I saw her last. Other than that it has just been work as usual, nothing exciting at all really.

And now, a funny quote I overheard in the office:
"If you were a piece of work I was halfway through working on, where would you hide?"


  1. I don't get it! It's an inside funny?

    Keep at it! Motivation while you have it is a wonderful thing, and even if you try to talk yourself out of it one morning, just making the effort to rock up gets enough motivation up to do the workout.

    I have some, but my leg is getting in the way...damn old peoples syndrome..

  2. The benefits to your own feeling of self worth and welbeing will offset the yummy pastas and choccy's in the longrun sweety so Alex has the long and short of it there.

    Also that quote is awesome, was the person asking someone else that or talking to their work itself? ... both are worrisome to some degree *chuckles*.

  3. Wow, sheesh. Even if I weighed 500 pounds, I couldn't wake up at 5:30 AM to go to the gym. I can barely wake up on time for work.

    But it's a moot point, anyways, since I'm only like a comfortable 200 pounds overweight.

    And hmmm...what are frucrocs? They sound...uhm, reptilian.

  4. ah, not only are they an Australian thing...they are a South Australian thing

  5. oh blah, it truncated the url, lets try this...

    link to yummy fruchocs

  6. Alex - The girl had lost what she was working on, get it? Oh well, I chuckled at my desk when I heard it anyway.

    Xy - I think she was asking someone else, but as you say, both are worrisome a little hehe

    Jun - I'm not surprised - you work so many damn hours you barely have time to sleep. Your work makes me a sad panda :(


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