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Thursday, June 03, 2004

I'm still alive!

Things have been so busy here lately, I kept meaning to update this and just haven't found the time, so I'm doing this on my lunch break.

Because it's the end of the financial year coming up and I'll be going to Townsville a few days before it officially ends, work has been absolutely nuts and there are so many things to do with that same deadline. It's good in a way because the time goes really quickly, but I don't get time to do things like my blog :)

So yeah, work has been taking up a lot of my time lately, but besides that the weekends have gotten a bit busy again. Last weekend was Michelle's, Alisha's and Jacob's birthday so a busy time at that household!!! Well, Jacob's was a day later but a combined BBQ/birthday party was held at their place on Sunday which was nice. I'm not being biased (I swear!) but they are the cutest kids I've ever seen.

This weekend is Rosanne's wedding, an old high school friend who I haven't seen for a few years I think, so it's a bit weird going to her wedding when it's been so long, and I haven't even met her fiancee. I've come down with a bit of a cold, too, so not sure how the day will go, may have to play it by ear and perhaps leave the reception early or something. It'll be good to see Holly again too, but I have no idea who else will be there from school.

Hahaha, yes Michelle, I'm updating this as we speak :D

Sorry, bit of an interruption there :P Just kidding Shelly :)

I've been mentioning a bit lately about how I always wanted to be a writer and that this is like my only outlet at the moment. Well a good friend also loves writing and plans to write a bit of a series throughout his life, and has kindly asked me to offer some of my own thoughts to the story! I can't tell you how happy this makes me, although, it will be a challenge for me, I must admit. I haven't really written anything since things I had started and never finished many many years ago, and I've always found writing to be something a bit personal, so stepping out of that comfort zone and challenging myself to be creative and expressive again is going to be tough. Even if everything I suggest is rejected and not ideal for the story, it'll still be good because I'll be challenging myself.

That's it for now, more later :)

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