What happened to Xy this week?
Well to be accurate this is about what has been going on, on and off for the last two weeks now.
I noticed one night the week before last that while I was listening to music through my headphones I was hearing voices intermittently.
At first I thought it was just part of the music tracks and didn't really think anything of it but after a bit decided to go back and listen to the tracks again and noticed there was no talking in them whatsoever.
The voices when I did hear them were muffled so I couldn't really work out what was being said but endeavoured to try and listen a bit more attentively and see if anything would stand out.
So I have spent about a week and a half now listening hard when I start to hear something abnormal "fuzz and crackle" for lack of a better term from my headphones (turning off my music hurriedly to listen to it better).
So far this is what I have managed to make out (as best as I can reckon):
*A young mans voice*
"I need you ....(missing words), I have to get ... to you."
I don't know if he is saying a name or if there is a pause and the second part sounds something like "my heart" but I can't tell for sure.
This one has repeated several times now over the last week and a half and I have had to try and piece it together from different parts of it being heard and re heard.
It is most definitely the same young mans voice every time.
*A woman's sobbing voice*
"Why did they *several garbled words* take it (away?)"
I have struggled with making this one out and have a few theories floating around about what she says but cant definitively say what she says in the middle.
I "believe" she is talking about her baby, maybe something to do with an indication of stillbirth :/.
It's really sad sounding with sobs and such through it that make her voice even harder to understand but if I hear it again I will try to find out if why I think she is so sad is correct.
*An older mans voice in a threatening tone*
"... last time ... will get to do that! *section garbled*"
This voice is very hard to make out and garbles a lot, I actually spent most of my time trying to work out what this one said and replay it in my mind from the two occurrences in which I heard it.
It could be a name or just linking words but the garbled second section I cannot make out at all just yet, maybe I will hear him again soon and get another try? :)
(P.S this is by far the most aggressive and scary voice I have heard yet)
Unfortunately these are the most legible and complete phrases I have heard so far but will continue to listen as long as they continue to talk and try to piece it together to write here and maybe make sense of it all.
Aside from all of that spookiness I managed to get my hands on Final Fantasy 12 for two glorious days and gave it a solid thrashing in which time and space seemed to disappear before having to take it back to video store :/.
I now pine for it's tender caresses as I wait to have a budget that will allow for the purchase of this wonderful artifact to add it to my collection in the series.
I can foresee with it's semi MMORPG approach to game play and looting system many many more hours being wasted as I farm for the best loot in the game in preparation for more battles with impossibly strong, godlike creatures.
(And the cycle continues *chuckles*).
Amusing/Obscure Conversations:
My roommate and I were out driving to do some food shopping and I looked around not the first time since moving to this part of Brisbane and realised I had no idea where the hell it is in relationship to the areas I have lived before that I am now at.
I have been here for a few months now and since the bus stop to the CBD is only several metres up the road passed the next house and the train station only a couple of blocks away so I have barely explored this region at all.
I said as much to him at which he laughed and decided to take me for a tour so that I could get my bearings, it was pretty embarrassing to be quite so lost in the city of my birth and where I have lived the majority of my life but finally after about 25 minutes I got my bearings on how to at least get to somewhere fairly nearby that I recognise without having to rely on someone else or public transport in the future.
Colourful moods:
Well spooked out would definitely have to find a place in here over the last two weeks what with spectral voices talking to me (although some people seem to like using this evidence to say that I have finally cracked).
I can't say it's a normal thing for me to hear voices and I am "pretty sure" it's not all in my own head so in this case it leads to some perhaps worrisome alternatives.
I shall be using my night light and hiding under my safety blanky for a bit as yet I think *whimpers*.
Hobbies and Interests Pursued:
Gaming! Yay!
Haha likely this section should just be a cut and paste affair for me with the names of games cycled as I get to them because seriously, it's the thing I love to do in all the world the best.
I know I should be spending more time writing but I really haven't felt like doing so recently for one reason or another.
Oh yes, I was also asked to do some online research for my roommates mum into some very interesting artwork that she recently uncovered in a change of residence piled away under a bunch of old junk so I have been keeping my eyes peeled for any and all information regarding it.
I mention this but have been asked not to hand out details about the artist because she would prefer to keep everything private for now until we have compiled the info we deem necessary to look into making a sale of it.
Tis a shame really or I would perhaps recruit the aid of those who read this site for finding info for me and make my job a whole lot easier :D.
Look before you leap:
Make sure you really want to spend a couple of weeks doing online research for other people before volunteering your services *sighs* ~_~.
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