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Tuesday, February 24, 2004


Well, I've finished the mountain of filing I had to do and now have nothing to do until people come back from a meeting after lunch! So thought I'd bore you all with an update.

I had Friday off work, got into Adelaide at around 1:30pm, did a bit of running around and then relaxed for the rest of the afternoon. Incidentally, after my shower Friday morning the fake tan wasn't visible anywhere except on the palms of my hands. Oh goodie. On Saturday morning I got up early and went for a pedicure, then the hairdresser came over. You know priorities are wrong when you spend your money on beauty products instead of on food.

The wedding wasn't until 4pm, and unfortunately it was raining. I didn't mind, I prefer wet weather to the scorching heat we had the week before, but it sorta stuffed up the couple's plans for photos and walking across the lawn to get to the church wasn't much fun. The ceremony was short but sweet, and Virginia looked gorgeous. The reception was at 7pm, so we went home in between. We were on a table with Peter, Paul and Casey which was good, but the rest of the table were funny at times, very strange at others. Basically, it was the drama table. First this girl broke her chair within being there 15 minutes, although I don't think that was her fault, she was just unlucky. Then the same girl started arguing with her ex who was at the same table, stormed out a couple of times, spilled many drinks and so on and so forth. And her ex was rather strange as well, taking some extremely unusual photos during the course of the night. Was an interesting bunch, let's just say that.

The reception finished quite early, I think it was around 11:30pm so I got a relatively early night, and then Sunday I spent the day hungover and tired anyway. I left Adelaide around 5pm and got home, unpacked, went grocery shopping then went to bed after logging on. That's about it in a nutshell.

Hope you all had a good weekend. This weekend will be the first one I have nothing planned, might go to the movies or dinner or something with the man.


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