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Sunday, March 25, 2007

A super cool week!

What happened to Mel this week?
This has been an awesome but busy week! On Monday I had a Mammal Club meeting after work which was quite good. They're planning their Easter camping trip up at Boolcoomatta which sounds like it will be a lot of fun. It isn't really camping either, but rather swish with dormitory accomodation so on the one hand I am keen to go, but on the other, I don't fancy driving 6-7 hours by myself, and am really looking forward to Easter so I can relax at home a bit.

On Tuesday I started this new diet, where I have these shakes as meal replacements for breakfast and lunch. I tell you, it's been a challenge. On the first day especially, I was really hungry. But the worst part has been the headaches due to giving up coffee. Seriously, it's been one big headache for several days, despite taking codeine for it. Damn delicious coffee...

On Wednesday Ivan and I went to see the tutor we now have for Japanese. It was really good actually. Up until seeing her I was considering doing another WEA course, at the next level up than the one we're doing now, but I don't think I'll need to anymore as this tutor is really good. Was a brain drain though, but I've finally started to learn how to read and write in Hiragana.

Thursday night was our regular WEA Japanese course night which as always was a lot of fun. There are some guys in the class who are absolutely hilarious. For some reason, when learning adjectives we had a picture of a bank on our sheet of paper with a sign that read "Tomato Bank", and this amused them (and Ivan) no end.

On Friday I had an interview for the job I'm currently relieving in, which is a step above my usual job and something I've been wanting to get into full-time for a while. I hate interviews and get very nervous, but this one went quite well. My boss told me quietly that I'd done really well and got the job, but I'm not allowed to tell anyone at work yet until the paperwork is officially signed (which is fine, no one I work with knows about this Blog). But I am ecstatic!! The extra money will definitely be handy with saving for this holiday, and also I was quite bored with my old job, so yeah, very happy indeed! Alex popped over on Friday night so had some pizzas and chatted about the holiday plans and generally hung out which was cool.

Saturday I finished off an assignment and then Ivan and I headed to Mum and Dad's for dinner. My cousin, his wife and their child from QLD were down (they flew my Grandma home) so we caught up with them but didn't have a big night. And today I just recently came home from Michelle's place which was really nice, love catching up with her and seeing her kids grow up :) Always feels like old times when we can just sit and shoot the breeze.

Amusing/Obscure conversations
Difficult to come up with much this week because although I've had a lot of contact with people, it's been "business as usual". But I suppose I could mention that during the dinner with my family on Saturday I was thinking, as my brother-in-law was saying something, how he means well but really should just shush sometimes. It involved him asking my cousin and his wife if they fed their child sultanas, which they do. He then told them about this study that's looking at a possible link between sultanas and autism, which would have been enough, but he went on to say that a lot of times autism doesn't present itself until the child is in school or those kinds of social settings. It makes me giggle now that I think of it, and he meant well, but perhaps my sister should have given him a polite kick under the table.

Colourful moods
Well the last couple of days have been filled with much happiness and relief due to the promotion, and generally it has been a really great week, so no real bouts of sadness or anything. And it's not a mood as such, but these diet shakes I've been having have really highlighted how much I enjoy a nice meal.

Hobbies and interests pursued
Whoops, I wrote it all in the first part of this post! Must get used to this format as I can't be stuffed editing all that now. But yeah, as I said previously, started seeing a Japanese tutor this week, discussed our overseas holiday a bit more (and my leave from work is approved, HOOOOO!!!!), got a job promotion so my career goals are coming to fruition and um... yeah, think that's it!

Look before you leap
From the feedback I received after the interview, I apparently bombed big time on one of the questions, where they asked what I'd look for in team members. In my head, I was thinking "Huh? But the team is already there, I wouldn't have a choice!" so I rattled off some bullshit which was apparently wrong. Note to self: if ever asked this question in the future, discuss traits such as loyalty, punctuality, communication, etc.

Keep reading for Xy's weekly update below

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