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Sunday, March 18, 2007

A week in the life of Xy

Posted by Mel, because Xy can't log in right now

What happened to Xy this week?

This week I have been following with great interest a couple of my friends, JP and Sarah and their crazy shenanigans as they go about their business leading up to their marriage in a mere five days now, yes FIVE DAYS!, half a world away in Essex, merry old England.

They are kind of like my idols at the moment, despite having to do all the planning for this wedding, book all the halls and reception parties, plan all the seating at both events and write up the guest lists (especially when one of them has only met most of the people going for the first time these last two weeks and has none of his own family there at all!) there has been minimal grumblings about the event and a great deal of enthusiasm about the wedding in general.

None of those usual pre-wedding jitters one might expect to see.

So I am really happy for the both of them that they have found the one they can genuinely say “This is my soulmate” about with conviction ^_^.

Myself, I have just been enjoying a weeks break at home after leaving my last temp job before heading on out to grind that vicious cycle of finding more gainful employment … Aiya… not looking forward to it but we all need the monies hehe!

Amusing/Obscure Conversations:

Ugh, Does everyone in the world “except” Australians like fosters?
I was talking to the kids over in England just the other day and they said that some of the favorite beers getting around over there is that pig swill most of us wont even consider drinking.

Surprisingly though an American friend also said he quite likes xxxx beer distilled in my hometown of Brisbane Australia.

Considering most people talking about it at the time were listing off Awesome German, Canadian and Belgian beers at the time I dunno, I guess I just felt a little pride in our backwater nation … who knows, maybe he was just humouring me? (Note I didn’t list any Aussie ones but a New Zealander beer did get a mention in there from Radlers.

Colourful moods:

Well this week has been an absolute rollercoaster ride of emotions for me.

There is some personal issues that have been going on that involve some other people close to me that has been getting me down a bit that I don’t feel I have the right to talk about here.
I have also had some Migraines which have been so bad that they have actually been making me feel physically ill.

On the other hand though with my friends’ marriage coming up and some very cool things from my past that I found recently and will talk about soon I have been feeling absolutely elated at times so I have been going from the very depths of low feelings to the heights of joy all week long one after another.

So right now just relaxing on a slow Sunday for me is ideal to get over my mental exhaustion.

Hobbies and Interests Pursued:

Well I recently decided to start working on learning some HTML and PHP webpage coding and was working on the basics but this last week with all its goings on really unavoidably distracted me something fierce.

I did manage to get some writing done though so I am happy about that.

I have been working on a graphic novel Idea with JP recently since apparently he is a decent drawer of Manga so the story ideas and web hosting/coding issues is something I have been looking into if we ever felt it was decent enough to host online for our friends to read and enjoy.

Not only this though I recently found a website that all Gamers from around 1985 onwards (I have been gaming for the last 18 years first on consoles then PC’s… omg that’s way over half my life now) would absolutely love called “Abandonia”.

This gem of a website has a slew of old games that we all used to love available for download and updated for Xp and other modern OS’s (I run a Dosbox to run them) as freeware so go have a look here.

So in my spare time I have been lost in such games as The original Wing Commander, Stronghold, Battletech, the Crescent Hawks Inception, Planets Edge (freaken awesome game!) and Master of Magic!

It’s like re-visiting my misspent youth! :D

Look before you leap:

My roommate asked me if I could this week wait for a friend of his to come around and grab something he had borrowed and was unable to return to the guy and since I was here anyway I said “Sure!”

Anyhow it was a few hours before he turned up with his girlfriend. It was a hot day and I wasn’t wearing a shirt and sitting in front of the fan since I wilt pretty easily in the heat (great for a Queenslander I know *chuckles*) when they turned up.

I was kind of scruffy after a few days of no shaving since I was home all week too.

He comes rushing in and explaining he has to run because his train back is coming in like 2 minutes which I knew was a bit of a fib since I live close enough to the tracks to hear their frequency but that’s ok I didn’t say anything cause we don’t know each other very well and he obviously doesn’t want to hang around with me J.

What I thought was funny and rude at the same time though was that I am in my own house, doing this guy a favour and his girlfriend gives me this really dirty look like “Where a fucking shirt and take shave!” … in … my … own … house!

I was so close to saying, “Hey your no spring chicken yourself sweetheart” but thought better of it just to keep the peace between my mates friends and stuff.

Keep reading for Mel's weekly update below

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