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Friday, October 31, 2003

Is that the time?

Whoops, was meant to update this hours ago, and then I got sidetracked, and now it's almost 1am and I'm not going to be able to get out of bed and consequently be late for work again. Whoops!

A few nights ago I had a bit of a chat with my oldest friend Michelle, and it was one of those chats we haven't had in a while, and I was so happy afterwards. One of the things we talked about was how we hadn't gotten together and had a good "gossy" session, not where we got together and gossiped about others, but you know when you're younger and you have sleepovers, and you stay up until all hours of the morning discussing your deepest darkest secrets. Got me thinking. Why is it that as we get older we share less of ourselves and bottle things up more? I think everyone does this. It's like when you're younger you don't care so much what people will think or say so you tell people everything. Someone suggested to me that perhaps it's because people get burned by others in their lives. Perhaps they told someone something once and got betrayed or looked at differently, so they stop sharing with everyone. Maybe that's true to a certain point, we all become a bit more opinionated and tell people what we really think as we get older. Makes me think that maybe when people tell me stuff, rather than offer advice or pass judgement, I should just listen. Who knows. We all seem to lose that innocence we had when we were kids.

I miss being a kid, I really do. Having to worry about relationships, finances, jobs, is all a little too much for me and sometimes I just want to curl up and wish it all away.

On a lighter note, tomorrow is Friday and I shall rejoice. Thank goodness this week is over and the weekend is almost here, although I do plan too much on weekends and perhaps need a quiet one soon.

The conversation I had with Michelle the other night makes me smile when I think of it. She reminded me how I always wanted to be a writer (this is true, even started a couple of books I never finished many years ago). Michelle was going to be the singer, and I was going to write her songs. Well, my dear, it's never too late to start I say. We can still be the female Savage Garden, but I swear those guys are gay so maybe not.

In the famous words of Eric Cartman, "Follow your dreams, you can reach your goals". Edited because the rest of the sentence wouldn't make sense right now.

Oh god, 1am. Goodnight! OH! And see the links on the right there? Squashland is a great read from a great guy. hint hint.

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