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Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Melancholy and the infinite madness

I seem to go through these waves of emotion sometimes. Like, I can be happy, then someone will say or do something that might be nothing really but will totally ruin my day. Is this normal, or am I just mad? Like yesterday, someone (sideways glare at Ivan) made a comment in regards to my eating chips that I, in hindsight, completely overreacted about. Anyway, went on this walk to cool off and it started getting a bit drizzly and all I wanted it to do was absolutely bucket down with rain so I could do some twirls as if I was in a Carefree Tampons advert. I then realised that I am, in fact, probably insane. Abnormal is perhaps a better word. Sharing this with my readers is for their own good.

So, as you may have guessed, I haven't got much to write about but figured I should update this because it's been over a week. Perhaps a shameless link. One of the reasons I got into blogging was because of this guy, and his latest entry is hilarious so go and have a read. Some may remember him from The Next Generation as that irritating little shit Wesley we all wanted to eject out of the airlock, others might remember him from Stand By Me (my favourite film ever incidentally), but he's a great writer and his page rocks, so yeah.

Let's see, what have I been up to that's kept me away from my blog this past week? Hmm, well, my new workplace sucks, I really miss my old store and the people in it. I had the last office running like a well oiled machine, and this one's rusty as hell and will take a while to get going. At first I liked the challenge, but now, into my third week, I'm ready to throw in the towel. Every day there's something new. Like today, I'm trying to file the monthly reports and cannot find a fucking thing from her previous filing attempts. I call them attempts because clearly, the job was started, but never actually followed through. I mean, a spider has made his home quite happily between two of the filing boxes. I just left everything in a pile, named him Frank and left the room.

I'm still up with all the environmental groups and things. I started a Native Grasses Workshop on the weekend which runs over the next few weeks, and almost every weekend in November is tied up with more camping trips or days out. In two weeks I'll be spending the weekend camping in Burra, then will be back there a fortnight later. I love it :-)

Well, needless to say I didn't get the AQIS job I interviewd for. Not in the least bit surprised, like I said, the interview went well but I thought they wanted someone with more experience. Guess I was right (for a change). Haven't sent off any more applications for a while either. Not sure if I've given up subconsciously, or maybe there's just not much out there at the moment. I think maybe I've given up a bit. So disheartening to have almost gone a year after graduating without getting any work. Don't know where else to look, what more to try, etc. So if anyone hears anything, let me know. Am willing to relocate!

Okies, enough. Cyas next time for another dull installment.

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