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Thursday, October 09, 2003

News just at hand

Don't be fooled by the title, this is old news I forgot to mention before today.

I've been hoping for some kind of promotion at work to give me extra money and develop my skills until I find work in my own field. So, I got a phone call from John, the Area Manager, who asked me to move to the store he's based at so, on top of my regular duties I can work with him and the State Manager more closely. Sounds good, I thought, and so agreed to the move. Later as I thought about it, I realised there will be no extra pay, no extra hours, just more responsibility, so it's not a step forward at all. So then, I regretted my decision, but it's too late, as I'm moving on Monday. Is getting rather sad actually, I'm gonna miss some people heaps, and they've already started with the "Aww, don't go Mel", which makes me feel worse. Plus, everything in my office is set up how I want it to be since I was there when the store opened, now I gotta do it all again and risk ticking off other people. Oh well.

So today I went in to have a look around and meet some of the people I'm going to work with. They seemed ok. My office is MUCH bigger then the one I have now which is a bonus. I could frigging do laps of it if I wanted, not that I would ever want to mind you. I start at 5am on Monday, YUCK! Because it's a bigger store, more to do, so early start. YUCK!

So anyway, another thing I forgot to mention here was I had an interview with AQIS last week, as a Quarantine officer at the airport. Is only part time but would be an awesome job. I was surprised they'd called me in for an interview at all since I didn't really meet all of their criteria. The interview, I felt, went really well. I thought I answered their questions well, but I got the impression they wanted someone with more experience, so probably another job down the toilet. On that same day, I got a phone call back from another place I had an interview with as a feedback call. Seems I did well in everything except one part of the day, which was a large group activity because I "let myself be cut off by other people". Geez, you have to be bloody perfect to land a decent job.

Well, I say, I embrace my imperfections! They make me "me" dammit!


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