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Monday, November 21, 2005

I wish

Oh, to have the weekend still here! It's just been one of those mornings - until 11:30am I wasn't able to log into my computer. I may aswell have slept in or just sat at my desk reading. Oh well.

The weekend was really good but a bit tiring. On Friday after work I drove up to Maria's. We decided to get some pizzas for dinner, then later on she made me some rice pudding which I haven't had since I was a kid. After Survivor we were pottering around, not sure what to do, before we switched over to Foxtel and found The Sound of Music was on - something neither of us can watch with our other halves. So we watched that, singing along as we always did. It's funny, I've seen that movie so many times but it seems like each time you watch it, you're effected in different ways. Guys just don't get it. Anyway, Maria and I were sharing a room but she kept me awake with her incessant snoring, so I have no idea what time it was but sometime during the night I went into the lounge to sleep on the sofa. So, I was heaps tired on Saturday.

Mum and Dad drove up to Maria's at around 11am on Saturday, then we all had lunch together when Steve got home from work. I made my way home, then Alex came to pick Ivan and I up for dinner at Eric's (I was tempted to write nothing about this part of the weekend just because Eric wanted to read it but I couldn't help myself). Eric has the most gorgeous dogs (not that I remember the breed). I possibly liked them so much because they didn't leave fur all over you. Anyway, Eric made some spaghetti bolognese which was really yummy, not a shabby cook at all! While Alex tried to fix his computer we watched a bit of Pulp Fiction then for some strange reason we were forced to watch Evil Dead 3. Funniest "horror" film I've ever seen! Oh, and I raided Eric's book collection, borrowing 11 books, so that should cover my next few months worth of reading (bless him).

On Sunday I woke up feeling sorry for myself after drinking a bit the night before (and not having drunk anything substantial in a while). I made my way to Grandma's at 1pm, having a bit of a chat and giggle until the rest of the family arrived for a late lunch. Last night I was pretty stuffed so just watched TV and read. Karen comes back tomorrow and I want to have finished reading Dracula so I can return it to her and get into one of these books from Eric.

Oh, this just in: work sucks.

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