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Monday, November 15, 2004

End of a dry spell

I can't believe it's been a week since I updated, it's been a while since I've been so slack. Thing is, I have several reasons for not updating:
1) I had a massive mailout to do at work, which takes up a lot of time.
2) I had to get that job application done and sent and geez those things are hard to write.
3) Nothing interesting has been happening and this blog has been mega-boring.
4) Anything that has happened would probably not interest the one or two readers I have left.
5) Like I said above, I have lost a lot of readers so the inspiration to write about stuff is gone.
6) I presume I've lost readership, I can only presume because people aren't commenting (note the use of emotional blackmail).

That's all I have for the list really.

So, yeah, work has been a bit busier and I had to get my job application sent off. Aside from that Mum, Maria and Grandma got back from QLD, I was in Adelaide on the weekend, there were more family dramas, the usual really. The weekend was quiet, I'm preparing myself for the Christmas rush of catching up with people and spending too much money by doing as little as possible on these weekends. The weather has also sucked so I'm not motivated to leave the house.

I saw the video from Linda's wedding on the weekend and it was quite a nice ceremony. They ended up having it inside because it rained but everyone looked really nice and happy. The thing is though, they played my most favourite song ever for when she was walking down the aisle - Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. I'm guessing they only chose this song for the title because if they'd listened to the words they'd see it's not a happy song at all (I've blogged about this before). My interpretation of the song is it is about the death of love, and I don't mean the death of a loved one but the death of love itself, love dying in a relationship, etc. So, them walking down the aisle to it was an insult to me because they picked my favourite song but seemed to have no idea what the song was about! Anyway, apart from that, the ceremony was nice. And I'm allowed to have a rant, even if I'm being silly and selfish, ok? :P

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