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Monday, November 01, 2004

Can't touch this

Excuse the random title, but this afternoon we're supposed to be starting our work Touch Football social game, and I am sooooo not keen at the moment. When Ken first came up with the idea I was all for a bit of a laugh and something fun to do after a day at work, and now I'm dreading having signed up for it. I've never played Touch Football in my life, have the rules printed out but can't quite remember them, and I have always been uncoordinated when it comes to sport. The last time I caught a ball was a few years ago, and that was a nice round netball, so I probably won't even be able to catch the damn thing. I can laugh at myself quite well, but there's a certain level where you cross the point and reach total humiliation. That's where I think I'll end up if I go along. So, as you can tell, I'd like to get out of it on the one hand, whereas on the other I still think it could be fun. I think if I don't show up though I might get a damn good thrashing from Bron and Ken. Decisions, decisions!

In other news, National Novel Writing Month starts today! I have started my novel but have already hit a block I'm hoping to get through soon, because I'd still like to write another 1000 words today. I will eventually post a link to the blog where my novel will be put up, but truth is I'm scared of letting other people read my work, which is a pretty stupid thing to feel, because what's the point? I'll have to put a Disclaimer up the top of the page I reckon.

So, how was everyone's weekend? Mine was quite nice indeed :) On Friday when I went to Mum and Dad's, Steve was over so that was pretty cool. On Saturday morning I had a facial (at 9am, way too early I think) and then the rest of the day was really lazy and quiet, which was perfect because I was really tired, felt like reading, and I wanted a day without having to go anywhere (the facial doesn't count since I lie down for over an hour, hehe).

This Thursday Mum, Maria and Grandma are flying to QLD for Linda's wedding, so I wanted to see them all before they left (they're only going for one week but I still like to say goodbye before anyone flies anywhere). So I decided to try and see everyone on Sunday before coming back to Berri. Mum was working so I popped into her work and had a coffee with her for half an hour or so, then drove to Grandma's and had a coffee with her for just over an hour. After the caffeine overdose (hehe, I hardly ever drink coffee) I went to see Dad and Maria who were at home. We had a late lunch together and then, before I knew it, it was time to drive back to Berri.

I got in to work at 8:30 this morning, which is the earliest I've been in for quite a few months, so the day seems out of whack a bit. The rest of the afternoon will probably be spent trying to write with a little work thrown in now and then. Exciting stuff!

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