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Monday, November 10, 2003

So, what happened?

I've done something that's a big no-no when you work in Admin at Bi-Lo and that's taking a Monday off. I am just so sick, which gives you a pretty big clue as to why my camping weekend was so crappy. Last night I went to bed at around 8:30 and had to get up at 5am to call them and let them know I wouldn't be in. Eventually fell back asleep and had the biggest sleep I've had in ages, about 10 hours in total. I really needed it.

So I suffer from hayfever on a regular basis, but was prepared for the trip away because I had some tablets I could take. So Saturday morning, I'm up, packed and ready to go, and take a tablet before I left. Was a beautiful morning, perfect weather for a drive. I stopped in at my parent's place on the way for some breakfast then arrived at Burra a couple of hours later.

The drive up there was really boring, that area has been drastically cleared for farming and there were hardly any trees or roadside vegetation. We were staying about 25Km south of Burra at Burra Creek Gorge which was quite nice. So I got there about 9:30 and everyone had already left to start their work for the day, so I set up my tent, read The Hobbit for a while, went for a little drive around the place and managed to reverse my car into a pole. Great start. I forgot to mention that almost as soon as I got out of the car my hayfever hit me something fierce, even though I had tried to prevent it from happening. From this point on for the next two days my nose was like a running tap.

They still weren't back at lunch time so I had some lunch then lay down for a while. I fell asleep but then awoke when I realised my tent had become like a sauna and I was burning up. Eventually they all got back around 3:30 and we headed out again to one last site before dark. It was about this time, digging pitfall lines and setting up traps that I got a mild case of heat exhaustion, but was ok when I sat in the shade and drank heaps of water.

That night we had a bit of a campfire and I took some Sudafed to try and get some sleep without my nose flowing all night. The next morning I woke up in a terrible state. My eyes had become extremely puffy and were bloodshot. I had also developed a cough and so realised this was more than just hayfever. But I felt bad for Katie who had all this work to do so headed out with them. We were half way through one site and I just couldn't do anymore, I felt so sick. All I wanted to do was come home. Usually I go on these trips and don't even think about home because I'm having such a good time, but this time it was all I could think about. Because I had to get a lift with someone who had a 4WD I had to wait until the work was done before I could get back to camp to pack up, so didn't get home until about 6pm. By this stage I was in quite a state, hence the early night last night. But the eyedrops and medication haven't seemed to help, and I have a doctor's appointment soon so I'd better get going.

But yep, work are gonna hate me. Especially considering I have a feeling my doc will give me tomorrow off too. Ahh stuff them, I've done my share of filling in for other sick people. Fight the power.

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