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Thursday, November 27, 2003


I've decided (perhaps the decision was forced upon me, I can't remember) to write a little something about each of the people I've met in the Cogs gaming community and have gotten to know a bit. So I might do a couple a day, or just whatever I feel like at the time, and so this entry will be about SuperSammo.

He's like my best Cogs friend, even though that does sound really lame. I think it's because we both have such a wierd sense of humour that we can just be silly and laugh. At the same time though, he is also very mature, and I often have to remind myself how young he is. He's someone I can have a serious conversation with as well as lots of laughs, and I think that's what's really cool about him. Ofcourse, living in Canberra, he's probably the coolest thing there, hehehe.

Aww damn, I made this one a bit soppy. But I can't say anything bad about Sammo. Oh wait, yes I can. Why must he always be the one to kill me in battlefield? Why??? Why can't he miss with that damned Bazooka every now and then? It has gotten so bad that I can't stand being on the opposite team anymore, and if I am, and I manage to kill him, I congratulate myself for about 5 minutes. It's just not right! Curse you, Sammo :P

Oh, and some time last night I had my 1000th visitor, w00t!!

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