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Sunday, December 28, 2003


Christmas was nice for me, hope it was for the rest of you too. Although my family can annoy me sometimes, the night at Gran's went without incident and finished a little earlier than normal, so we got home earlier than expected. I got some great pressies for when I move to Berri too, which will make the move a lot easier. The kitchen is pretty much set, with a microwave, kettle, toaster and plates etc all sorted out. I also got a nice quilt cover set and a bed, just have to get a mattress now and that room will be in order too.

On Boxing Day Ben picked me up bright and early and we went to see Return of the King, and even though we got up and some abnormal hour we were in the third row, but it was still ok. The movie was awesome, better than the other two and the time flew by so quickly because of all the battles and things that happened. Got home about 1:30, then Krista was over for a bit which was cool, and then I went to mum and dad's as dad and I were going to Speedway City for the World Series Sprintcars. When I was younger we went quite often but as we got older and life got busier, dad and I don't get to go often, so it was nice. There were lots of accidents and other exciting things so was a good night :)

Saturday we went to mum and dad's for lunch, and grandma, maria, nick, and nick's mum were there. Was a bit exhausting really. Today I was supposed to go to Berri with the family but it's gotten really hot so we postponed it, considering it's always a couple of degrees warmer in Berri. So I took advantage of the day to myself and went shopping for things for the move while these sales are on. I bought myself a vacuum cleaner (because chicks like vacuum cleaners), a laundry basket, some towels, bathroom scales, a dishrack and a dvd player. Ivan and I thought it wise to test out the DVD player, and it's cool because it can play pretty much everything, but unfortunately it doesn't plug into my old crappy tv so I'm going to have to do something about that now. The DVD player also came with a karaoke disc and microphone - now that's asking for trouble!

The rest of the day is being spent inside, avoiding the heat. Only a week of holidays left :(

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