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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Points to mention

I figured I would update my blog while I sit here at my desk, eating my salad. I've really come to realise that I watch way too many TV shows, and hence why I barely log on during the week. Once the TV shows are finished, it's pretty much time for bed, so I don't seem to have the spare time I used to.

I'd like to think though, that although I might not have time to see my friends, that I make an attempt to at least keep in touch with them. Sure, it might only be a quick phone call or email, but I reckon that's better than nothing.

The reason I bring this up is because I've been annoyed at Tash for being a slack friend for months now, but only finally mentioned it to her the other day. I'm just tired of always having to be the one to send her an email or call her or SMS her, even when she has said SO many times that she wants to catch up and she'll "text me closer to the day" and then it doesn't happen unless I hound her to get back to me or I just give up on her altogether. Sure, we were good friends once, but you can't keep considering someone to be a good friend when they seem to have time for other people and not you (eg. she has time to fly to the frikkin' NT for a holiday for a friend but no time for a hello), and when you only see or hear from them once every few months. That's not a good friend, that's an acquantance. When I told her she was very apologetic but I doubt anything will actually change. The reason I say that is because even mixed with her apologies were excuses. For example, "I'm really sorry, but I only have three nights a week free..." blah blah blah. Heard it all before, if you happen to have a breakfast appointment free, Tash, look me up, yadda yadda.

Anyway now that I've vented about that here is something random. One of the stakeholders called for information yesterday and said, I quote, "If you look half as good as you sound I'll have to clone you for my son". Truly my customer service skills are exceptional :D


Weight lost this week: 0.7 Kgs
Total weight lost: 4.5 Kgs

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