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Thursday, March 25, 2004

Aerosmith was right...

...when they said there's something wrong with the world today.

I know, I know, I wasn't meant to get political in this blog but I've heard some really crazy news stories lately and I just can't help but speak my mind about them (don't worry, they weren't all political).

Firstly, apparently an inquest into September 11 found that both Clinton and Bush are responsible for not preventing this. Supposedly Clinton had three occasions where he could have sent air strikes to take out Osama but called them off when he realised civilians would have been taken out aswell. Err, I'm sorry, but are these the same people who, if he had gone through with this, kicked up a huge stink about all the innocent lives that had been lost? And would it really have prevented September 11? There seems to be an awful lot of contradiction when it comes to politics and it seems that no matter what people do, they just can't win.

On the home front, now Mark Latham wants to remove our troops from Iraq. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some flag-bearing Liberal supporter, and in recent times I have lost a little respect for our PM, but this just doesn't seem like the right thing to do at all. I can't see what it will achieve. It won't make us any less of a target, it won't help international relations, especially since he said even if an elected Iraqi government asks our troops to stay he'd still bring them back. I just can't see the sense in this, but that's just me.

Finally, and this is a really sad news story. When we lived in Plympton Park I often went for walks around the neighbourhood. I had this set path, and it always took me past this house that had a huge Red Kangaroo living there. There's a high fence, and a Rottweiler, and apparently they had the kangaroo for some 13 years after having rescued it. So, just how fucked up are people when someone is willing to go to the effort of jumping the fence, somehow subduing the dog and getting it into the back yard and logging the gate, all for the sole purpose of killing this kangaroo by bashing its head in. What is wrong with people?!?

The world is seriously crazy.

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