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Thursday, October 14, 2004

Busy x3

How can it be Thursday already? I thought I had better write this in the morning before I go to work, otherwise it will never get done, so here I am! As I said, I can't believe it's Thursday already and that the next weekend is almost here already!

So, what's been keeping me busy? Well, truth is, this week in the evenings I'm not so much busy as just damn tired. But, I'm jumping ahead, I'll update you with what I've been doing from the weekend.

Friday afternoon, as usual, was the drive to Adelaide, seeing my parents on the way and then moving on to see Ivan. Mum and Maria wanted me to colour their hair so I did, but they bought a colour that was way too light so none of their grey hairs got coloured at all. Weird that my sister has grey hair already, I think she takes after my aunty like that. I hope I don't start getting grey hair by the time I'm 30!

Anyway, so Friday night was quiet once I finally got home and unpacked and fell onto the couch in a tired stupor. Saturday morning Ivan and I were both awake at 8am (a shock I still have not recovered from, that we should both be awake so early) so we decided to get the voting out of the way. I then had a waxing appointment and then we decided to go look around Marion for a few hours. After spending some money we headed home and relaxed for the rest of the afternoon, which was nice. Since there was nothing on the TV except election crap that night, we watched a few DVDs and had a relatively early night. Sunday, as usual, we did nothing and then before I knew it, it was time for me to head back to Berri again.

So, since I've been back, this week I've been out of the office, finally having the opportunity to check out some more of the Riverland. Sure, I've been out on the road with Andy, the meter reader, before, but that was only for one day so having the opportunity to see some more of the Riverland, I wasn't going to pass it up. Unfortunately, Monday and Tuesday were so freaking hot that I didn't enjoy things much (Tuesday got up to 41C). Being in the car was ok but man, it takes a lot out of you and so I've been exhausted. Yesterday and the rest of the week look great weatherwise though, so thank goodness the heatwave didn't ruin my entire week. Yesterday I got to see a bit more of Loxton and we also went to Monash briefly. Tomorrow is only going to be a half-day out though, because it's Rory's last day and we want to get to his farewell lunch, so I'll probably hang around in the office after the lunch, before I head back to Adelaide again.

So, that's pretty much where I've been! It's either been watching TV at nights or collapsing and sleeping deeply, because this driving around, especially the two days in the heat, has taken a lot out of me. I hate the heat at the best of times, going out in it moreso. Anyway, better wrap this up and get going, don't want to be late! Hope you guys are well and have a great weekend :)

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