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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Less than exciting

I really don't have anything cool to write about today (actually, I never do) but thought I had better update this to... well... keep it updated! So, I had yesterday off work. I'm not sure whether what I have is hayfever or something more but, even after buying stronger drugs, I can't get a decent night's sleep. It takes me ages to fall asleep, and then when I finally do I keep waking up at around 4am and then don't really fall back to sleep, I just drift in that sorta dozing off phase. So when the alarm went off yesterday morning I just thought to myself, "I can't do this" and called up work then went back to bed. I feel bad because I think I have had far too many days off sick since being employed here, but there was no way I could function yesterday.

I went back to bed, drifted in and out of sleep for a couple more hours then dragged myself out of bed around 11:30am. I thought to myself, with a day at home, there could be so much housework I could do, but I did absolutely none of it, so instead have left it to do when I get home from work tonight. Good plan.

Watching daytime TV was pretty rivetting though, I must say. I got to watch Dr Phil uninterrupted, followed by Days of Our Lives (omg, Marlena's going around killing everyone!), watched some Oprah and then decided to move myself over to the computer. That is where I sat for a few hours until TV time kicked in during the night. After that, I read for a little bit then went to sleep, and so here I am, at work today, feeling not at all refreshed and thinking about all the things I have yet to do around the house! Excitement plus! This weekend I'm staying here in Berri and my parents, and hopefully Ivan, will be coming to visit. Although I know they don't care about what the house looks like I'd like it to look relatively clean so I need to vacuum and mop tonight, having already done the bathroom. Like I said, this is gripping stuff!

Ah well, at least I finally finished reading Tomorrow, When The War Began yesterday (I want to buy the rest of the series now, like I don't already have enough books) and I've read a few chapters of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I seem to be going through this phase of books for young readers lately, hehehe.

Anyway, that's it from me for now. I was hoping this would kill a lot more time, seeing as how I have nothing to do and lunch is still half an hour away, but oh well! If nothing more exciting happens, I might just have to make up a story or something.

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